An aromatic nebulizer, also know as an atomizer, operates with an air pump and a specially designed glass funnel to disperse essential oils into the environment with maximum efficiency and aromatic intensity. Nebulization is actually the cleanest way to diffuse and make essential oils available in the environment in their unaltered, original state. Nebulizers are excellent for both domestic and clinical use and will enhance the environment in terms of both fragrance and energetic quality. They can also be used in a clinical context for specific treatment purposes (see the How To Use Essential Oils page).
Because the nebulized oil does not cause any oil evaporation by heat, like aroma burners, nebulizers put out a much larger volume of fragrance per quantity of essential oil used. This makes ultimately them very cost effective as well as more powerful in diffusing fragrance. By combining superior quality of fragrance and volume of power output, nebulizers can easily outperform essential oil burners. The latter operate essentially by generating heat or air that creates evaporation of the oils, an intrinsically fuel-intensive and wasteful process.
How does a nebulizer work? The pumped, compressed air micro-vibrates the oil in the specially designed funnel, causing it to break up, become ionized and disperse into the environment without any evaporation. This creates a far greater and more concentrated olfactory surface space that can then be freely absorbed by inhalation. Specifically, the nebulizer micro-ionizes and places a negative charge on the essential oil molecules, which ensures that the ambient fragrance remains actively suspended even when the nose is no longer able to smell it.